年薪26万, 澳使馆招人
中国高尔夫球协会招聘, 要求英语
展会翻译兼职, 5天
长期专利翻译兼职, 千字90-130
乌干达大使馆招聘: 英语翻译
年薪13万美元, 联合国中文翻译职位
陪同运动员生活训练, 需翻译9人
事业编 | 呼和浩特外事办招聘
年假22天+月薪18-22k, 萨塞克斯大学招生岗
每日一词|载荷专家 payload specialist
我国载人航天工程第四批预备航天员选拔工作日前结束,共有10名预备航天员最终入选,包括8名航天驾驶员和2名载荷专家。   ...
每日一词|文明对话国际日 International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations
第78届联合国大会协商一致通过中国提出的设立文明对话国际日决议,将6月10日设立为文明对话国际日。   ...
Stir the pot 挑拨是非
How do you feel when people are stirring the pot? ...
每日一词|“三北”防护林体系工程 Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program
据财政部网站消息,国家已在2024年预算中安排120亿元,用于支持“三北”防护林体系工程建设。   ...
每日一词|生态保护修复 ecological conservation and restoration
据自然资源部介绍,近年来,我国生态保护修复取得明显成效,同时在全球生态治理方面做了大量工作。   ...
每日一词|国家海洋考古博物馆 national museum of marine archaeology
国家海洋考古博物馆计划今年在山东青岛蓝谷开工建设。该博物馆将集中展示我国海洋考古历史、考古成果和悠久海洋文明史。   ...
A merry heart goes all the way.
The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.
Take your time, good or bad.
Whatever you do, do not let go!
Patience is a bitter plant that produces sweet fruit.
Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.
When the moon was on the willow’s top,We’d met after dusk.
Love is what makes life worth living.
Each day brings a new beginning.
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.
You can’t judge a place before you’ve ever seen it.